- Ubah Academy Charter School
- School Board
- District Policies
District Policies
SERIES 100 – SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICIES 100A Complaint Process 100B Return-To-Work 102 Equal Education Opportunity SERIES 200 – BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICIES
208 Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies 210.1 Conflict of Interest - Charter School Board Members 214 Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members SERIES 400 – PERSONNEL
400A Children in the Workplace 400B Tuition Reimbursement 401 Equal Employment Opportunity 402 Disability Nondiscrimination 406 Public and Private Personnel Data 406B Employee Administrative Record Retention 407 Employee Right to Know-Exposure to Hazardous Substances 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy 411 Group Health Insurance Coverage 412 Expense Reimbursement 413 Harassment and Violence 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults 417 Chemical Use and Abuse 418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School 419 Tobacco-Free Environment 420 Students and Employees with AIDS and other Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions 426 Nepotism 427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers 490 Employee Misconduct and Dishonesty 492 Religious Practice and Prayer SERIES 500 – STUDENTS
501 School Weapons 502 Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person 504 Student Dress and Appearance 506 Student Discipline 509 Admissions and Enrollment 512 School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities 514 Bullying Prohibition 515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records, Public Notice and Form 516 Student Medication 520 Student Surveys 521 Student Disability Non-Discrimination 522 Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Grievance Procedure and Process 524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety 526 Hazing Prohibition 531 The Pledge of Allegiance 532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School 533 Wellness 534 School Meals Charge Policy 591 Admissions SERIES 600 – EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS
601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals 603 Curriculum Development 609 Religion 612.1 Development of Title I Parent Involvement Program 616 School District System Accountability 620 Credit for Learning 691 Inclusive Education Plan SERIES 700 – NON-INSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS
709 Student Transportation and Safety 721 Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources 722 Public Data Requests 724 Purchasing, Procurement, and Contracting 791 Credit Card Policy SERIES 800 – SITE AND BUILDING
801 Equal Access to School Facilities 806 Crisis Management 807 Health and Safety Policy SERIES 900 – SCHOOL/COMMUNITY RELATIONS
902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment 903 Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites